"I have just read my first - and probably last - whole book on coaching. It is my last because it has done the job, giving me the most comprehensive examination of the art."--David Amos, former Deputy Director of HR at the DoH, writing in the "Health Service Journal". What is coaching and how is it different from therapy or counselling? What techniques and approaches does an effective coach use? What distinguishes a 'good enough' coach from an outstanding one? "Coaching Skills" helps readers to acquire the skills that are essential for becoming an outstanding coach. The book addresses key issues such as: creating the trust that encourages a client to learn; keeping yourself and your own agenda out of the way without diminishing your presence; and managing your own anxiety, especially if you are inexperienced. This practical and readable book is enlivened by many case studies to accompany the theory. Based on many years' experience of what coaches actually struggle with in practice, it is a must for the growing band of executive and life coaches, as well as managers who want to learn how to adapt coaching as an approach to leadership
Includes bibliographical references and index
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