The CUNY Law Library Electronic Resources page provides a complete list of all our legal and non-legal research databases plus popular subscription resources. Selected free resources are also included. Searchable by subject or keyword.
Accessing the Databases
Unless otherwise indicated, the databases linked on this page are available only to current CUNY students, faculty and staff. For home access to non-Lexis or Westlaw databases the links on this page will take you to a screen where you can enter your CUNYFirst credentials so you are recognized as an authorized user.
Finding Journals by Title
Use the Journal Search page in the CUNY Law Library’s online catalog if you need access to a particular journal in full-text. If you do not find a particular journal, or you have trouble accessing a journal link that appears in the results list, please contact one of our librarians.
Copyright Questions
CUNY has a Web site called ©opyright@CUNY, providing extensive information on copyright compliance to all CUNY faculty, staff and students.
Bloomberg Law (password required) | LexisNexis for Law Schools (password required) | Westlaw (password required) |
Alternate link if the Lexis Law School page is not available: Lexis Advance | Alternate link if the Westlaw Law School page is not available: Westlaw Edge | |
Additional Bloomberg Law Links: About Bloomberg Law Bloomberg Law Training Resources (sign-in required to view page) | Additional Lexis links: LexisNexis Support Center LexisNexis Video Tutorials | Additional Westlaw links: TWEN Westlaw Customer Support Westlaw Insider YouTube Channel |
A lower-cost alternative research tool that offers some innovative features not available on other systems. Current CUNY School of Law students and faculty can register for a free account using their CUNY Law email accounts.
Fastcase is a low cost alternative to the services listed above for findling primary law materials. See the help and training page for information on how to use this resource.
Initially known for its large archive of law reviews, this constantly expanding collection of resources now also includes many historical federal primary source materials.
This library, featuring William H. Manz’s Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 1787-2010, brings together materials reflecting congressional concern with the composition and structure of Article III Courts and provides all relevant documents prepared by various Congresses relating to the purpose, formation, organization, and restructuring of the federal government. Also included are Federal Judicial Center Publications, Periodicals, Links to Scholarly Articles, CFR Title 28 – Judicial Administration, Other Related Works, and much more.
Contains reports written by Congressional Quarterly’s editors about current issues in society affecting legislation in Congress. In depth analysis of both sides of each issue is presented. Reports go back to 1991 and may be searched or browsed by subject/date. When viewing reports, the “CiteNow!” link includes an option to display the Bluebook citation for the report.
Working in collaboration with the National Security Archive to preserve and widen access to this significant material, ProQuest has created a far-reaching, curated collection of U.S. official documents. More than 650,000 pages are included, with many gathered through extensive use of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act by The Archive. The digitized documents are made available in over 40 topic-based collections, with two new collections added each year. The curation of each collection is overseen by subject-area scholars to ensure the material provides the most discerning coverage of the topic.
This is not a legal database, but it contains a substantial section on law in the British empire during the 1700s. This includes law in the American colonies before the United States declared its independence, as well as information about the revolution. To see a more detailed description of what is contained in the law section of this database, select “help” and then use the product description link on that page.
Provides access to the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations from inception to within a few months of the current date.
A compilation of important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. Includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works. More information.
Legislative Insight currently includes legislative histories for over 18,000 laws from 1929 – 2014 and includes searchable full-text pdfs of hearings, reports, prints, earlier versions of bills, and other documents associated with each law. Also included are excerpts from the Congressional Record referencing each bill, Presidential signing statements, related CRS reports and more. More information.
According to the publisher’s description, this is a “comprehensive source for identifying thousands of articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and Internet sites that compare state laws on hundreds of subjects.” Includes over 18,000 bibliographic records. When material in the record is available on HeinOnline or through other selected Internet sources, a link is provided.
Current CUNY Law students, faculty, and staff who want to search PACER their own should use Bloomberg Law, which allows subscribers to search PACER information. PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) provides access to case and docket information for federal district, bankruptcy and appellate courts, including electronic filings for most courts on the system. PACER provides a free training site where you can learn to use the service in advance and get a better idea of what is available. Current CUNY School of Law community members should see a Reference Librarian if they need assistance with this service.
This is the most comprehensive online resource we have available for finding and downloading congressional documents. Full-text documents are available in most years for House & Senate Reports (1789 – present), House & Senate Documents (1789 – present), Legislative Histories (1969 – present) and the U.S. Serial Set (1789 – present). The collection also includes indexes for Committee Hearings (1789 – present) and Committee Prints & Misc. Publications (1817 – present), with limited full-text available for those documents as well. If you find a reference to a document that is not available in full-text, please see one of our reference librarians for help in obtaining it through other means. Using the advanced search function allows you to search for the documents mentioned above in combination or individually. Additional areas of the collection include the full-text of U.S. Public Laws and Bills (1987 – present), GAO reports (2004 – present), the C.F.R. (1981 – present), the Federal Register (1980 – present) and more. There is also a section with information about members of Congress that includes voting records and identification of campaign contributors.
Regulatory Insight provides U.S. federal administrative law histories for the period 1936-2014 organized by federal statute and Executive Order. More information.
Provides access to recent federal and state cases, statutes, and regulations. This is a free public resource, but it does require you to register in order to view documents. For older materials that aren’t available in this database, links are provided to the Fastcase database where the documents can be obtained for a fee. More information.
Supreme Court Insight, 1975-2016 , is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per decision, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document by document basis. This module covers content through the 2016/2017 term. More information.
Includes official opinions from 1871-1982, annual reports from 1870-2005, and opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice from 1977-1996. Also includes various historical documents, such as the Opinions of the Confederate Attorneys General 1861-1865.
Coverage includes the U.S. Statutes and Large as well as the Congressional Record and its predecessor publications containing the debates of Congress going back to the earliest volumes.
A growing collection of federal agency decisions from the Board of Immigration Appeals, National Labor Relations Board, Federal Trade Commission, Securities & Exchange Commission and many others.
The “U.S. Federal Legislative History Title Collection” includes full-text legislative histories for a small group of laws selected based on historical significance, The “Sources of Compiled Legislative History Database” provides citations to books, journal articles and other sources that have compiled legislative histories for other laws. Additional documents provide guidance on how to compile your own legislative history.
A collection of various historical Presidential documents, executive orders, inauguration speeches, etc. Includes the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents from inception to within a few months of the current date.
Includes U.S. Reports from inception to within the past year and related publications.
Extensive historical archive containing nearly 11 million pages of records, according to the publisher. Part of Gale’s “The Making of Modern Law” collection. More information. Researchers looking for more recent Supreme Court records and briefs should continue to use the “U.S. Supreme Court Briefs” source on Lexis or the SCT-BRIEF-ALL database on Westlaw. Coverage on Lexis and Westlaw varies for different types of Supreme Court documents, so be sure to consult the database scope note and/or ask a librarian if you’re having trouble finding something.
According to the publisher’s description, this is a “comprehensive source for identifying thousands of articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and Internet sites that compare state laws on hundreds of subjects.” Includes over 18,000 bibliographic records. When material in the record is available on HeinOnline or through other selected Internet sources, a link is provided.
This database version of Rich Leiter’s National Survey of State Laws provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. Users are able to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. The new 7th edition, along with the 6th and 5th editions, are included in database format, which also allows users to compare the same laws as they existed in 2005, 2008 and 2015. All print editions are included in HeinOnline’s image-based, fully searchable, user-friendly platform.
The New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs collection in HeinOnline contains coverage for cases starting from 1 NY3D and is updated on a monthly basis.
This library contains the session laws of all 50 U.S. states as well as Canada, Australia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the D.C. Register. All states are current within 60 days of the printed publication, and all states are available back to inception!
Includes all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Coverage goes back to inception for many states (including NY), and content is being added to eventually provide coverage back to inception for all states. More information is available in the publisher’s pdf brochure.
State Reports: A Historical Archive provides a digital version of Hein’s State Report Checklist along with linking to the full text of historical state reports.
State Statutes: A Historical Archive includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text. Coverage goes back until 1717.
According to the publisher’s description, this is a “comprehensive source for identifying thousands of articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and Internet sites that compare state laws on hundreds of subjects.” Includes over 18,000 bibliographic records. When material in the record is available on HeinOnline or through other selected Internet sources, a link is provided.
Find all books currently in print. Includes e-books and other formats. Use the “advanced search” function for more specificity when needed.
Use this link to search our law school’s library catalog, which includes our print collection as well as electronic books, journals and databases we have access to. The “select library” menu on the search page also allows you to select other individual CUNY library collections, or you can search all CUNY libraries at once.
An extensive electronic book collection (formerly known as Ebrary) that can be searched in full-text. The titles cover a wide range of subject areas, including some law and law-related topics. Many of these are recently published books. Links to the individual books in this collection also appear in our library’s online catalog. Note that some titles are removed from this collection every month due to publisher licensing agreements. If you have questions about an electronic book that you were using and can’t find anymore, be sure to ask one of our librarians.
Google has been adding the text of millions of books and magazines to its database. Using this Google Books link limits your search to just the books and magazines. The advanced search option gives you more specific options to search for words in a title, subject, etc. Books and magazines that are out of copyright can be read or downloaded in full. Extensive previews are available for many of the books that are still in copyright, and links to libraries and bookstores where they may be borrowed or purchased are included. Google also provides options for creating your own virtual library using this site. Free online resource.
Provides direct links to law library catalog search pages. Mostly U.S. law schools, but includes some other types of law libraries and a few Canadian law libraries as well.
From the provider: “The HeinOnline Legal Classics Library offers more than 1,200 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history, including Joseph Story, Louis Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo and Edwardo Coke. In addition to many “classics”, this collection includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world. The collection focuses on constitutional law, political science, and other classic topics.”
Thomson Reuters now provides access to many West treatises through its own ebook platform. You can access it from this link or from within Westlaw by choosing the ProView option in the menu that also includes Westlaw Edge. Titles are limited to those that our library subscribes to in print. Many leading treatises and most of the volumes in the New York Practice Series are accessible through this platform. Mostly the books included are the West publications we keep in our reserve collection behind the Library Circulation Desk. You can also download the ProView app and access these publications using your mobile device. Note that although ProView can be accessed from your Westlaw account, there is no linkage between this resource and the Westlaw Edge research system. In other words, you won’t know if a treatise is available in ProView unless you go into ProView and search for it.
An online catalog that allows you to search millions of bibliographic records from OCLC member libraries. Note that this particular resource is not a “legal database” as it contains records for books from all disciplines, not just law. It has been included on this Web page as a source to find books that aren’t contained in the collection of the CUNY School of Law Library. Please contact our library if you are having difficulty finding a specific book or wish to obtain one through interlibrary loan.
This collection digitizes ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals, along with 44 periodicals previously only available to ABA section members. It provides access to current volumes of included periodicals and covers all subject areas of American law. Publications from the ABA Center for Professional Development’s National Institutes from 2012 to date are also included.
The Bar Journals collection provides publications from state and local bar associations. Most of these do NOT overlap with the HeinOnline Law Journal Library
Enter the title of a legal or non-legal journal to see if it’s available in full-text in an electronic database that CUNY School of Law has access to. The search result screen will include links and date coverage information for each database that includes the journal. Databases covered include Lexis, Westlaw, HeinOnline and many other legal and nonlegal databases listed on the search page. If you do not find a particular journal, or you have trouble accessing a journal link that does appear in the results list, please contact one of our librarians.
The publisher, the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, describes this as “The nation’s intellectual marketplace for legal aid lawyers and others to share ideas and plant seeds for legal and policy innovation.”
DOAJ now has over 10,000 open access journals from all over the world in its database. The search page allows you to search an index of journals and articles, not the full-text. Use the filters on the left side of the search page to limit your search. For example, if you enter “law” as a search, then open the subject filter, you will see some subjects containing the word “law.” Selecting one or more subects will then allow you to search just the journals and indexed articles that have been classified under the subject(s). Many of these journals do provide full-text search options on their individual sites. More information about searching and other questions you may have about this resource can be found through links on the DOAJ homepage. Free online resource.
This free search engine searches the free full-text of over 300 online law reviews and law journals, as well as document repositories hosting academic papers and related publications such as Congressional Research Service reports. Several of the law reviews and legal journals (such as the Stanford Technology Law Review), working papers, and reports are available online only. Coverage may vary. Provided through “Law Technology Today,” a publication of the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center. Free online resource..
This site provides access to three peer-reviewed law journals: Global Jurist Fontiers, Global Jurist Advances and Global Jurist Topics.
This link takes you to directly to the advanced search screen. Note the option to search “Legal Opinions and Journals”. Search results will include law journals that are freely accessible on the Web. Free online resource.
A free environmental index database hosted by EBSCO. This is not a legal database, but it is included on this page because it includes much law-related content. GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. The database contains nearly 300,000 records, full text for selected titles and searchable cited references for more than 200 titles as well. Free online resource.
Provides full-text access to articles from hundreds of law review titles and goes back much further than Westlaw or Lexis in many cases.
Indexes legal literature concerning foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. Coverage from 1985 – present.
Covers 1958 – within past year. Indexes journals that are not included in legal periodical indexes. This was originally a print based index and can be browsed by time period. The search feature doesn’t search the actual print copies but searches a separate database that was created for that purpose. Be sure to read the search tips under the “Resources” tab to make the best use of this database.
Includes newsletters on a wide range of legal practice areas, providing current news and analysis. You can browse the site or sign up for daily updates. Twitter feeds also available.
Free access to current issues and archives of law reviews from schools that have BePress Digital Commons repositories. Free online resource.
Provides access to over 1,200 full-text journals and over 2.5 million records, including book reviews and case citations. This resource includes the contents of the long-running Index to Legal Periodicals & Books publication, so it also includes bibliographic information for many additional law journal articles that aren’t available in full-text on EBSCO going back to 1918. For articles where no full-text viewing option is provided, use the “Find It” button to see if the articles are available in other databases our library subscribes to or in our print collection.
Provides news coverage of federal and state courts, legistlative issues, state and federal verdicts. Also includes practitioners columns and opinion pieces
New York’s daily legal newspaper.
This is a weekly update service on developments in all areas of law from across the United States.
With titles from the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Animal Welfare Institute, this collection aims to establish the foundational laws pertaining to animals and follow the evolution of these rights throughout the years. It includes philosophical books dating back to the 1800’s, videos, periodicals, brochures, and more.
This free database collects cases on selected civil rights topics where injunctive relief was the objective rather than money damages. Includes links to decisions, docket information and some court documents such as complaints and briefs. More information.
Provides information on the laws and practices related to the application of the death penalty for every country in the world that retains capital punishment. Run by Clinical Professor and Director of the International Human Rights Clinic at Cornell Law School. Free online resource.
This online resource includes both database and PDF versions of the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection: A Descriptive Bibliography, which represents more than 50 years of expert and extensive research on this subject. Also included are hundreds of additional related publications, such as hearings, trials, periodicals, and more.
HeinOnline states that this collection brings together, for the first time, all known legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. Free online resource.
Contains full runs of the Institute’s Annual Reports, Proceedings, Annual Meeting Speeches, and the Institute’s newsletter, The ALI Reporter. It also includes both current and archival Restatements of the Law, Uniform Commercial Code, Model Penal Code, ALI-ABA Periodicals, and the Statement of Essential Human Rights (a pioneering ALI project of the mid-1940s).
This provides access to the full text of all Model Acts drafted, recommended or endorsed by the Conference. It includes the NCCUSL – Archive Publications, Handbook of the NCCUSL, and Proceedings of the Annual Conference Meeting from the first through the most recent Annual Meeting. Transcripts of the Proceedings of each Annual Meeting, as well as the transcripts of the discussions in the Committee of the whole of each Uniform and Model Act, are available. Also included are the approved “successive drafts” of each Uniform and Model Act.
This database version of Rich Leiter’s National Survey of State Laws provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. Users are able to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. The new 7th edition, along with the 6th and 5th editions, are included in database format, which also allows users to compare the same laws as they existed in 2005, 2008 and 2015. All print editions are included in HeinOnline’s image-based, fully searchable, user-friendly platform.
Subject areas covered include: criminology; criminal justice; criminal law and procedure; corrections and prisons; police and policing; criminal investigation; forensic sciences and investigation; history of crime; substance abuse and addiction; probation and parole. Contains more than 400,000 records.
News and insights on environmental law topics.
Publisher’s description: This collection brings together more than 500 titles dealing with this difficult and important topic. Included are periodicals, key compiled federal legislative histories, relevant congressional hearings, CRS Reports, Supreme Court briefs, and more. Links to nearly 500 scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and a balanced selection of external resources to further research this subject are also provided. Research the National Firearms Act, the United States v. Miller and District of Columbia v. Heller decisions, and other key aspects of this subject.
Created by the American Immigration Lawyers Association, AILALink is intended to be a one-stop shop for immigration law research. It includes U.S. immigration statutes, related regulations and case decisions, and electronic access to most of AILA’s respected immigration law publications.
A compilation of important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. Includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works. More information.
An extensive resource for labor and employment law research. Includes links to cases, reference manuals, finding aids and more.
Register using your CUNY School of Law email address to sign up for optional e-newsletters: “Employment Law Memo,” “NLRB Law Memo,” and “Arbiration Law Memo.” Once you have an account you can also search the case database on this site and create custom alerts to be informed about new cases that are added.
Contains hundreds of unique titles and nearly one million pages, including books, periodicals, and bibliographies. This collection provides a research platform for the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions. The collection also includes the Christian Legal Society publications, an assortment of Canon Law, and rare historical bibles.
This resource allows users to view and search constitutions by country, or compare constitutional provisions of different countries by topic. More information. Free online resource.
This is not a legal database, but it contains a substantial section on law in the British empire during the 1700s. Classic works such as Blackstone’s Commentaries can be found here. To see a more detailed description of what is contained in the law section of this database, select “help” and then use the product description link on that page.
From HeinOnline: “This collection encompasses the decisions of the English Courts prior to the commencement of the Law Reports in 1865. It represents reprints of 275 separate series of reports, arranged by the English Courts: House of Lords, Chancery, Rolls Court, etc. The English Reports, Full Reprint contains over 100,000 cases reprinted verbatim and spans the years 1220 to 1867.” More information.
The ECMI conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. This library contains several publications of the ECMI, including ECMI Reports and Working Papers.
FILRD includes the publications of the American Society of International Law along with prominent Yearbooks from around the world, including The Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series. It also includes U.S. Law Digests, International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions and more.
From the publisher’s introduction: “This work endeavors to provide the lawyer or legal researcher with relevant information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations whenever possible, indications of currentness of the legal materials listed, and, finally, selected references to secondary sources in English.” Also includes information on international convention and treaty sources.
This series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. It is comprised of more than 600 books beginning with Abraham Lincoln’s administration in 1861 and continuing to the administration of Ronald Reagan in 1988.
An excellent free resource providing links to foreign, international and comparative law resources on the Web. Maintained by the Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law. Free online resource.
The US National Archives holds a collection of 374 treaties between the United States and indigenous peoples, where they are known as the Ratified Indian Treaties. Here you can view them for the first time with key historic works that provide context to the agreements made and the histories of our shared lands. Part of the Indigenous Digital Archive at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture in New Mexico. Free online resource.
Indexes legal literature concerning foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. Coverage from 1985 – present.
Includes a wide range of official and unofficial treaty documents, indexes, guides and other materials. This collection focuses on U.S. treaties. For international conventions and treaties to which the U.S. is not a party, consult the Foreign Law Guide using its “Conventions & Treaties” link. Additional treaty research sites are linked under the “Treaties” category of our International & Foreign Law page.
This collection contains exact reproductions of major United Nations legal publications, including the complete collection of the United Nations Treaty Series, the League of Nations Treaty Series, the Monthly Statement of Treaties & International Agreements, UNCITRAL Publications, UNIDIR Publications, the United Nations Legislative Series and much more. Finding Aids and additional features make it easy to pull up a UN Treaty by entering a UNTS Citation, search for a UN Treaty, and link to law review articles that cite a UN Treaty.
Features of this library include: access to the current constitution of every country in its native language, English translations for 90% of those constitutions, links to related books and articles, a collection of 800 “classic” books related to constitutions and more. For complete details about the content of this resource, see the brochure.
Provides a single search mechanism for 1165 databases from 123 jurisdictions via a 14 Legal Information Institutes from around the world. Includes case law, legislation, treaties, law journals and more. Use the Advanced Search page use Boolean search operators and/or limit your search to particular areas of the world. Go to the Databases page to select individual databases. You can also browse a Directory of containing links to over 15,000 law-related Web sites from every country in the world. Maintained by the World Legal Information Institute. Free online resource.
This collection includes thousands of trials including complete sets of American State Trials, Howell’s State Trials, and the Nuremburg Trials. It also includes famous trials from Philadelphia’s Jenkins Law Library, Cornell University, and the University of Missouri-Columbia’s trials collections. It contains trial transcripts, critical court documents, and trial-related resources such as monographs which analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials, as well as biographies of many of the greatest trial lawyers in history.